
Friends of Newlands Park Update for Q1, 2024

Hi all, Hopefully the worst of the winter is just about behind us as the first buds of spring are starting to show. We recently had our first quarter Friends of Newlands Park (FoNP) Committee meeting and below are some of the highlight’s/lowlights and updates on other park activities. Pond: After a great deal of…

Schools Fun Run, Wed. 25 Oct. ’23

We were delighted that Active schools Glasgow organised a primary school run within Newlands park on the 25th October. This involved over 150 pupils from six local primary schools and was a great opportunity for pupils to be active and make use of the amenities within their local area. A huge well done to all participants…

Newlands Summer Fete, 2nd September, 2023.

This year’s Newlands Summer Fête was a fantastic event which built on the success of last year’s fête, the first to be held following the pandemic. It provided a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together on a fabulously sunny afternoon! The event was organised by the Friends of Newlands Park, with substantial practical…

Newlands Summer Fete is back on 2nd September

The Newlands Park summer fête is back!!!! Following the success of last year’s event, we are excited to announce that this year’s fête will be taking place on he afternoon of Saturday 2nd September from 2pm – 4pm.We are delighted that so many of the groups who participated last year will be joining us again,…

Tennis Courts Open Day 17 June 12 – 4pm

The Newlands Park Community Tennis Centre will be holding an open day on Saturday 17th June from 12 – 4pm to celebrate the completion of the refurbishment of the tennis courts. Come and meet the volunteer team who will be running the facilities and find out how you can use these wonderful new facilities. You…

Help us grow – come to our AGM, 7.30pm 19th June 2023

Find out what our volunteers have been doing (tennis courts, gardening, fete) and how you can influence the development of the park and get involved in our new projects. We are looking for more people to join our committee and to be a part of a successful, thriving and sociable community. Come along the the…

Open evening 24th April

The Friends of Newlands Park are holding an open evening at the Dandelion Cafe from 7.30 – 9pm. Come and see what’s happening at the park, and how you can get involved. You don’t need to be a gardener, there’s lots of tasks and projects that need volunteers.

Tennis Courts Refurbishment

We have exciting news for the imminent renewal and upgrade of the tennis courts after the project was given the green light on 9 Mar 2023. Work on site started on May, 13 March for seven weeks. When Friends of Newlands Park was first formed in 2020 the courts were voted the highest priority for…

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